'Twas Thursday 26th July. The return of the much loved and missed Vesper Ironman Tournament. The Tournament works as followed. Each fighter is placed into a hat and two names are drawn at a time. The two names drawn will fight each other until one wins. The winner will progress to the next round. This will happen until there is no remaining fighters.
Shel'grat vs Garrofi - Garrofi Jess vs Kasper - Jess Jeddra vs Willow - Willow Rimeny vs Theo - Theo
Jess vs Garrofi - Jess Willow vs Theo - Theo
Jess vs Theo - Theo
Yes that is right. I am this months Ironman of Vesper! I have won total bragging rights and i shall brag indeed.
Feel like taking the title from me? Come to the next monthly Vesper Ironman Tournament. - stay posted for date
Swifty after the Tournament, Escaflowne wanted to use us as guinea pigs to trial a team deathmatch game.
Shel'grat Jessica Garrofi Rimeny
Jeddra Willow Kasper Theoden
Blue team won the team deathmatch with a score of 7-4